速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Photo Clock Live Wallpaper

Photo Clock Live Wallpaper





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Photo Clock Live Wallpaper(圖1)-速報App

Here You can get all collection of clocks and you can modify clocks,Backgrounds and change settings what ever you want.

We are Offering 60+ different clocks and more than 50 Backgrounds.

It is Providing Four Different Types of clock Options:

1:Photo On Clock

* Here You can Change Multiple Number of Awesome Clocks And You can edit your Photo on Clock.

* You can give Background What Ever you want it may be normal background or custom background or gradient colour or normal colour.

* Write Text On Screen with Multiple Number of Fonts and variety of colours.

* If You want Animation on Screen , In Setting You can select Snow Animation, Bubble Animation.....

Photo Clock Live Wallpaper(圖2)-速報App

2:Digital Clock

* You can give Background What Ever you want it may be normal background or custom background or gradient colour or normal colour.

* Here In Options You can Change the clock Size ,Alignment, Date Format and brightness.

* You can change the colour of The Digital Clock with Shadow.

* If You want Animation on Screen , You can Select Flying Birds ,Butterfly's, Bubble Animation etc.

3: Analog Clock

* You can give Background What Ever you want it may be normal background or custom background or gradient colour or normal colour.

Photo Clock Live Wallpaper(圖3)-速報App

* Here In Colours option You can Change the colour of Hands , Numbers , Dial etc.

* in options You Can Change the clock Style,Size,Align etc..

* If You want Animation on Screen , You can Select Flying Birds ,Butterfly's, Bubble Animation etc.

4:Modern Clock

* Here You can Change Multiple Number of Awesome Clocks.

* You can give Background What Ever you want it may be normal background or custom background or gradient colour or normal colour.

* Adjust Blur of Screen.

* Move the position of clock and Zoom that by touching.

Photo Clock Live Wallpaper(圖4)-速報App

* If You want Animation on Screen , In Setting You can select Snow Animation, Bubble Animation.....

Photo Clock Live Wallpaper(圖5)-速報App